February 15, 2009


hey all!to escape the question what i did for valentine which was actually is the celebration of some dead couple and what i've been doing and also nt to answer how the hell i gt my ankle burned/scald imma make up a quiz and let you guys do it.Smart eh?

1.If you could be anywhere right now,where would you be?
probably out of bed,away from bro and his guitar and go out with meh friends

2.Whacha doin?
Editing my blog playlist so you guys can listen what good music is actually is?

3.If you could be anyone right now,who would it be?
Bruce.Wayne.nuff said

4.What instrument(s) that you wished you could play?
Guitar and piano so I could sweep anyone off their feet.heck yeah

5.Whats the song your currently listenting to?
right now?My Chemical Romance - dead.Why?

6.Do you love sticks?
WTF?HECK YEAH!!all kinds!long ones,short ones,chop stick,mesuring stick,sharp stick..

7.Do you google yourself?
I aint narcassist.I just youtube myself thats all.

8.Whats on your feet now?
a skin bubble.Dont ask.dont need to know.

9.Who ya chatting with right now?
No one actually.Which is pretty sad....

10.Ninjas or Pirates
I prefer the two.I call them Pirja or ninja pirates.Either way they sound cool.

11.Do you own a facebook?
why do you wanna add?

12.Do you think that the birds and cockroaches are in conspirancy together?
yeah.dont trust em roaches..I swear they tried to take over my room

13.Whacha think of Twilight?
I watched it twice.gosh there was no manly word in that sentence.

14.What did you do during valentines?you now you wanna tell?
I was crying in pain while hot tea was all over my right ankle and now that i look at it the skin bubble looks like hearts.Irony.

15.Did you get a present for you loved one?
got,had,still have,question out of bound sry

16.who do you wanna send this to?
lets see.Those who read this,nana,fadhly,elle,nisha.I know you guys lurk this blog!admit it!

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