July 16, 2008


mood: "darn it"
song : Yellowcard - Gifts & Curses

holy crap

Ever woke up thinking " Do i have to go through all this again?".
I have.For the past few days I've been wondering what I've been doing all this time.Why does everything seem so familiar even though it has never occurred before.Is this a weird case of deja vu? or maybe it did happen before.Maybe thats why I feel so dog-gone tired this days.
Is it just a mind game?or is it the same thing repeating just on a different day?

I feel extremely low this past few weeks.I just dont know why.
I feel as if I'm a different person everywhere I go or hang out with my groups of friends.

I feel like screaming to everyone who looks down on me or nags.I want them to shut the hell up.
I know its wrong to do that but things are driving me crazy.

Never the less,I still wanna make people smile.Even if it involves myself.Maybe thats my downfall.Making people smile too much while involving me.
I dont bother.Making their day is much better then cursing how sucky my life is,its better then complaining how hard teenage life is.Its better then thinking all is lost.

Maybe I should start drawing again.Well I'm off to see the doctor and have a freaking hair cut.

"like the person because of his similarities, love the person for his differences."-quote from hellboy,the movie

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