November 29, 2011

Bad guy,

Talk is cheap,
It's as dirty as it gets.

I'll be a man of my words;
i'll do the best that I can.

Allow me to be the bad guy.
Allow me to be fake.

If it means much to you that I'm perceived as a person who has no character;
then so be it.

I know myself more.
I'm learning about myself more and more.

Tell me I'm lying.
Tell me I'm fake.
Tell me so much more so that you can bring me down.

What's so different about you and me? Is the path I took?
The friends I make, the tales I tell?
The truth I see? or is it the lies I foresee?

What's the difference between you and me?
Are you so real? Are you a percentage above me?
Do you think that I'm a disgrace?
O how pathetic you are!

I grit my teeth.
I grew from nothing, and i'll attain everything!
Is the world not a stage and every man merely an actor of this wonderful tale?
Aren't we all the same?
Aren't we all the producer, script writer and narrator?

O what a shame to be looked down by you!

For what I'm worth, I shall hold everything that's dear to me!
Every single penny,
every single soul!

Every single tear,
every single laughter!

For I strive for it!
I am neither cynical nor do I wish to see you in flames dear friend.
For it keeps me moving, for it keeps me alive.

I shall judge my actions, accordingly.
I shall decide what to do, fittingly.

If a little bird mentions to me of my wrongful doing, then praise the lord!
I shall correct it!

I am sorry if I broke your heart dear friend of mine,
but this is for the best.

For the reaper is calling and I am merely stalling his time.
Persistent you and I.

What joy shall this be.
For there are no victors nor failures.
In a new world, everything is a result from nothing, and nothing is left because of everything.

I shall move on to this new world,
with the pennies I scrimped,
with the tears we all shed,
with the laughter we all had,
with the friends I have met.

We all shall move on to this new world,
for we all have nothing.

Fitting for a world that is out from nothing.

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