November 10, 2011

Same air.

you wake up.
grab the towel.
get your cold shower.
take your coffee and out you go.
Same things in lesson.
Same things after school.
Same things when you get home.
You go to bed with a heavy sigh.
Wake up and the whole thing repeats itself.

At first youre energetic but as time passes by suddenly it becomes a bore, redundancy.
But you gotta keep on smiling. You gotta keep working hard.
Whats the point then?
Youre unhappy with the way it work.

you decide that the world is unfair.
you blame things.
smallest guestures, smallest offence.
everything's a hindrance.

As your mask wears thin, you realise that people has distant themselves away.
Youre starting to ask why.
What did you do wrong?
You hate how you've became a victim of society.

you decide to blame everything on yourself.
you hate how you dress.
you hate how you look.
you hate how you address to people.
Lastly you hate how useless you think you are.

Whats the point?
Shouldnt you be helping yourself before others?
If you think that you're such a disgrace and a burden, ask yourself this.
Are you a disgrace and a burden to yourself?

The world is your stage and you are the actor, the editor, the narrator and the producer.
If you cant change others.
Look down in yourself and ask, is there anything wrong with me?

but then, in my eyes, you are you. Therefore you are perfect in your smallest ways.
People can afford to hate you. But should that let you down?
I think not. why would you let a random actor bring you down to your knees.
Are you not but equal in a blind man's eyes?
Do you not breathe the same air as he?
do you not walk the same grounds he steps?
Does he not have problems of his own?
Does he not have lack of esteem in foreign crowds?

But why must we allow others to bring us down is such despair.

You are the actor, the editor, the narrator and the producer.
What you do, at the end of the day, is your responsibility.
And your choice.
Is not a pity?

Oh how foolish have we all have fallen.

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