November 9, 2011

Last days.

you know what sucks,
to imagine it's actually the last few days you're gonna live?
With that in mind, how would you like to leave this place.
I've met some who'se so afraid to meet the lord.
Then there are other's who want to make sure they die with no regrets.
I wonder, what does that make me.
It's pretty scary,you know. Knowing that I'd probably drop dead any minute.
Last week, machines couldnt detect my pulse, I guess it was a hardware failure.
I keep waking up as if I was away somewhere.
Mother dear keep saying I'm looking rather pale.
My chest hurts once in awhile but I'm hoping it's just the healthy lifestyle im adopting.
Then again, who knows.
I'll lead it to the fullest. I will not regret the things I never did.
And I'll die with a smile, not with fear.

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