June 17, 2007

been so long

Hey guys..sorry bout not blogging these days..been so busy..NPCC,meeting,work and if you didn't notice,reconstructing the blogskin.. no I didnt do it..the original piece is from this guy the dude is an awesome artist so are his friends..stop by and check sometime.. I do..

Anyway with alot of things happening, I cant remember or tooo tired to blog a thing..I just got back from work and I dont know why I'm still up..my ankles are puffing up..darn..the reason I'm not going back to work[theres 2 events today] is because the boss said I over worked myself and she's scared I faint..>_<".

I suppose I owe some updates..

K..I went to shooting competition with Gabriel last Sunday and we manage to enter to semi finals but got knocked out..but it was a good experience..One of the coaches said we could be like the rest[ out of 10 teams,8 are professional shooters..guess who were the other teams -_-].

on Weds and Thurs, went to PK course which made a lot of people fall asleep..couldnt thought the girls behind my seat were f 'cking noisy..I wont say which school though..yeah..Mr. Loh gave us "new licenses"[if you play FF12 you'll understand] to wear our uni.

Just now,woke up about 8 to leave to Pasir Ris...God.. the people there can give you a back ache..never mind,atleast I made some money for myself..then came back about 5 but lay around till 6 or 7 cant remember and did this blogskin..would be nice if someone commented on it =).
k thats all..i need rest..I still havent done my 7 assignments..crude...nevermind..bye all

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