December 9, 2007

To (my) Love

mood : a hmmm and a humm
song : Matchbox romance - tiger lily

To my Love

I round the original one in suhaimi's blog so just visit him and you'll find it.Dont ask,I just feel like editing it and posting it up here.enjoy

to my love

To my love,
May we stay away from it when it's nothing good to us....

To my love,
May we stay away from it when it hurts

To my love,
May we stay away from it whenever possible?

To my love,
Can I be there for you whenever you need me?

To my love,
Can you be there for me whenever I need you?

To my love,
can I smile at you saying it'd be alright even though I know the worst is yet to come

To my love,
will you smile at me saying it'd be alright even though you know the worst is yet to come?

To my love,
these questions about you never ends

To my love,
I wonder if you have the same questions about me to

To my love,
I'll gave you 11 real roses and 1fake one and ask if will you love me till the last one dies?

To love,
May we stay away from it when it's nothing good to us....

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