May 28, 2007

Pirates Of The carribeans:at Worlds End

woke up on Sunday at 7 am coz needed to meet,Ariyani,Syahrin and Natasha.Yani's dad sent us to Vivo City,to meet Mr Jae.He booked us tickets to see Pirates for Project $10..really akward to see Mr Jae not in his trainers,shorts and polo T.Yani told us he looked hot..-__-..

While waiting for the movie to come there was this transformers trailer and god damn it was awesome.but this is what I heard from a little girl.."I'm not gonna watch transformers..It stupid."trust me..if anyone born between my fathers time to mine..most of you guys know hiw awesome transformers are..Kids these days..they scare me..

Anywho the starting of the movie was awesome though I wished they could speak clearer from some parts.Excelent fight and sword scences.They also put "I'll dig out my heart for what I want"a new meaning..literally.Overall good performance..Just remember to watch part 2 before watching this..Helps alot.A phrase I remembered was
"They will see us free men by the sweats from of brows,the strength from our own backs and the song that we shall sing"Seriously,I wonderful phrase.

After that we went the Banquet. Had a good lunch than go to Pacific.While walking Yani and Natasha disapeared.I told Mr Jae that we'd probably meet them at Pacific.Mr Jae said to see what we like than he paid for us..this was a Convo between me and Syahrin.

Syahrin: I'm like a virgin in the place
Sabri : Dont Worry,your not the only one..

seriously,I have never ever ever once been to been to a cafe' before.instead of small,medium and large they have short,tall and grande..HF?Than Yani and Tasha came back with Mr Jae's gift..good its so small..whats with girls and small things..when its big they complain..I dont get it.

Anyway We all had a good chat about relationships,careers and knowing each other more.

Yani and syahrin had to go so left with me and Natasha..Than she felt uncomfortable so she aske me to accompany her to tampines..It was getting late anyway so we bid Mr Jae good bye as he went to OCBC..haha

theses days,my bodys getting worst though I dont show it.There would always be sudden pains in my heart..I not sure if I can carry on my lifestyle..seriously need to get medical check up..haiz but cant..Mom these days keep nagging for no reasons.Asking and argueing on stupid matter.why must go to camp all that stuff..getting..K la rather long so thats all for now =)

They will see us free men by the sweats from of brows,the strength from our own backs and the song that we shall sing

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