August 19, 2007

gone to OBS

If You still see this on the top,this means I'm either gone to OBS or damn tired,give or take =).
Anyways like Fatin,I'm about 70 -75% scared of OBS...10% of me is wanting to have fun and stuff while the other 15%wanna makes sure I'm in the same league as the rest and wanna makes sure I come home safely for my parents.Anyway,choose my attitude..and its gonna be HAKUNA MATATA .

For those who have no clue whats HAKUNA MATATA , it mean no worries for the rest of the day.Its a problem free philosophy.hahaha betcha most of you are singing Timon & Pumba's Theme song.

Anyway help dad delivered some stuff then went shopping for track pants at beach roads..god saw lots of things,gun replica' and umm "chickens"?yeah
then went to SHAW CENTRE to collect lil bro's pants and went shopping of our own.Dad bought me a spiffy black T-shirt from G200 XD.Because while sending the food to Tanjong Katong,a principal's function,We were drench and it was so cold so had to change.Telling you,the fabric is awesome!!



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