September 16, 2007

Choose your ATTITUDE

god today was really wasnt what I expected.
Firstly I over slept and had stomach ache..which isnt a good combination..had to rush all the way..then Herman found 2 NCO shirts..argh..
then sevice day,though I was pleased with the group there were annoying residents and alot of big dogs..crap la..
then something unexpected happen..and now herman is pissed at us..crap..No matter what,We're trained to finish what we've started..thats that..late or what get more scolding...we'll finish what we have to do then settle it...probably staying back on Tues to help Karan clean up.
then after visiting my uncle for..remembered that I had iconnexion..crap so decided to print out and give it to them on Mon..which means I'd be busy tomorrow..for awhile anyway..

Had another case of the cramps today..twice..I have to see the doctor if this keeps up.
and as much as I can,I'm keeping thoughts positive so that others will be but somehow its getting harder..I really am thankful for the encouragement you guys have given me.

looking for a good blogskin..msn me if you found one kayz?
nights..uh morning in this case (12.33 am)

"Your making choice to live like this,
And all of the noise,
I Am Silence."

"And it's still so hard to be who you are,
But you've come this far with a broken heart."

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